After the success of GegaByte Component Maker we have made GegaByte Module Maker. A windows application with which you can create Joomla 3 modules, without having the knowledge of Joomla in 3 Easy Steps. Simple input the required information and enter the table name and fields and click "Generate" to get the files for your module.
The current version of GegaByte module Maker supports Joomla 3.x platform. We are working hard to include each and every Joomla component fields. GegaByte Module Maker follows the MVC structure and formatting guild lines. Modules made with GegaByte Module Maker are JED Checklist compatible, hence saving hours of time while submitting the Module on Joomla Extension Directory (JED).
GegaByte Module Maker has been made so simple that you do not need the knowledge of Joomla MVC at all; following steps are required to make a module in GegaByte Module Maker.
Step 1 (Info)
Simply enter the details of the component like,
Creation date
Menu caption
Author email & website address
Component version
License type
If you want a Blank Module check the checkbox "No Table (Blank Module)"
Step 2 (Table Info)
Enter table name or choose from "Joomla Tables" drop down
Type what should be shown or choose "All" check box
Type what should be matched in "Column Name" and its value in "Value" field. (Optional)
Step 3 (Parameters / Options)
Add the parameters of module
Various fields like text, list, URL, integer etc are available.
Step 4 (Generate)
In the end simply click the Big “Generate” button to make the module.
“Just installed GegaByte Component Maker and gave it a shot. Looks great, works great. It's going to be my new companion for Joomla 3.0 development.”
- Udo Chrosziel, Germany
“Hello, first receive my congratulations for practice and nice application GegaByte Component Maker. Thank you once again for nice app and your support.”
- Drago
“Thank you for this great program!”
- Dmitry
“GegaByte Component Maker really great.”
- Trubadix
“Hi! I've downloaded and tried your program, and seems cool. The program looks great, lots of hours to save with it! :)”
- Attila Péterfalvy
“Thanks for gegabyte joomla component creator.”
- Radovan Jankovic
“I'm using your software joomla component maker. You did a great job. Thank for your nice software. May Allah bless you.”
- Sharif Ahmed, Dhaka, Bangladesh
“GegaByte Component Maker its good...”
- wcom
“WOW - you have a great support and also a great product. It is easy and powerfull.Thank you wery much. Looking forward to the new release.”